Latest News
Jan 9, 2025
Dan Struhs
How to Pay your HOA Dues
Uintalands Annual Dues Reminder and Instructions
Uintalands Annual dues are required to be paid in full by January 31. Uintalands Bylaws
require interest be charged for any payment made after January 31.
How to pay dues
There are three ways to pay dues or other payments to Uintalands
1. ACH transfer from your bank. There is no cost to members for an ACH transfer of funds.
Instructions to make an ACH transfer: Members should go to their Buildium account. Then choose make payment then follow the instructions on the page choosing "bank account" instead of credit card. It will then ask you for your routing and account number. For those who have multiple properties they will need to make payments for each one.Â
2. Pay by Credit Card. There is a 3% charge for using a credit card to pay. Follow the instructions in #1 above, but select Credit card as the payment method.
3. Mail a check to:
Uintalands Association
PO Box 3094
Ogden, UT 84409
Questions? Call or E-Mail Uintalands Association
Dec 9, 2024
Dan Struhs
Celebrate the New Year at Uintalands
Come celebrate the New Year at Uintalands. This is our most popular annual event!
Potluck and Raffle New Years Eve at the Fire Station at 1:00
Bring your favorite side dish to share!
Uintalands provides: Grilled Chicken, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Water and Hot Chocolate
Bonfire starts at 5:00 PM
We will be raffling a rifle again this year, so be sure to bring cash or check to have a chance to win!
PLEASE! Bring your items for the raffle to Doug at the Caretakers Cabin, or call any Board member. We have only a few items for the raffle and need more!
See you there!

Nov 24, 2024
Dan Struhs
Uintalands Roads Closed 11-24-2024
We had hoped to make this announcement after the Thanksgiving holiday, but today's storm has forced us to close Uintalands roads to wheeled vehicles.
Uintalands roads are now closed to wheeled vehicles. Only tracked up machines or snow machines are allowed on UL roads. Roads from SR150 to winter parking are open and available for use with wheeled vehicles. Please refer to Winter Parking Guidelines https://www.uintalands.com/winter-parking
Nov 14, 2024
Dan Struhs
New Board Members
Thanks to everyone who attended Uintalands Annual Meeting!
Congratulations to our new Board Members!
Peggy Lee
Carey Eggett-Valentine
Diane Christensen
Thanks for your service and hard work to departing Board Members
Chris Kinnersley
Shellie Ashby
Sep 29, 2024
Dan Struhs
Annual Owners Meeting
The Annual Owners Meeting will be held at 7:00 PM, November 13 and will be at a new location this year:
Weber State University-Davis
2750 University Park Blvd
Layton, UT 84041
Bldg. DSC D3 (middle building)
All owners are encouraged to attend. Three new board members will be announced at this meeting. Make sure you cast your vote as candidates have been announced. Ballots are available in
Buildium/Documents/Annual Meeting 2024 and can be printed from there.
Directions to Weber State - Davis
Aug 28, 2024
Dan Struhs
Uintalands Board Notice!
Three members of the Board of Trustees will be finishing their term on the Board at the end of this year.
If you would like to run and become a member of the Board, please send your Name, Lot Number and information about yourself to Uintalands@gmail.com so that we can place your name on the ballot. Information must be submitted by September 28, 2024. Information listing candidates will be sent out with our Fall newsletter. Ballots are mailed with the newsletter. Ballots can be mailed in or brought to the annual meeting which is on November 13th. (Place TBD)
This is a three year commitment and only lot owners may run for the Board. If you have questions regarding Board membership, please contact any Board member.
This is your chance to make a difference!
Jul 28, 2024
Dan Struhs
August Work Party and Pot Luck Lunch
Our next Work Party is scheduled for Saturday, August 10th. Meet at the Fire Station at 9:00 A.M. for work assignments. Please bring your chainsaws and weed eaters to use during assignments. We will be cutting logs, weed eating and other chores.Â
 A Pot Luck lunch will be served at 1:00 P.M. Chicken, Hamburgers and Hot Dogs will be provided by the Association. Members are encouraged to bring a side dish of their choice to share. Please come out and support your association! Meet your neighbors! See you there!Â
 There will be a board meeting Friday, August 9th, at 6:30 at the Fire Station. Members are welcome to attend.
Jun 26, 2024
Dan Struhs
Uintalands Reminders
As we approach the Independence Day Holiday, below are reminders of a few of our Associations rules
· Rifle Range: The rifle range closes at 5:00 PM each day. Last weekend, we had a group that broke this rule and when reminded of the closing time by an owner they refused to leave. This will not be tolerated. Everyone has the right to enjoy the quite peace of Uintalands. Violators will be prosecuted.
· Uintalands Pond: We are allowing adults and children to fish. Please observe the following.
o Tackle is restricted to single, barbless hooks, artificial lures and flies only
o No bait of any kind
o Catch and release only
o No swimming or boating
· Fires are restricted to approved fire pits
· Speed limit is 20 MPH everywhere in Uintalands
· No loud music or parties
Visit Uintalands.com for more details
Jun 4, 2024
Dan Struhs
Owners Notice
Owners should have received an email describing our new HOA software that is now added to Uintalands.com. (click on Owners and a Buildium box will pop up allowing you to sign up for entry. This is an owner’s only portal and is password protected.)
Brian Stecklein, Uintalands Business Manager will be available to answer questions about the new program during the Work Party on June 15 from 9:00 AM to about 12:00 PM. You will be able to find Brian in the Caretakers Cabin office.
Uintalands can now accept electronic payments via bank transfers, credit or debit cards.
· Provide owners information on lots more effectively.
· Provide owners control of keeping their contact information up to date.
· Provide membership lists for those who would like to opt in.
· Notify you of any emergency via text messages.
· Provide easy access to Board meeting minutes, and other communication opportunities as we move forward with this new software.
May 20, 2024
Dan Struhs
Reminder: Trailer Removal from Winter Parking
Reminder: Trailer Removal from Winter Parking
All trailers and vehicles in the Winter Parking area need to be removed by Memorial Day, May 27th. This is an extended date due to weather conditions.
Apr 18, 2024
Dan Struhs
Roads and Trailer Removal Update
Due to the unusually high snow levels at Uintalands this spring, the following advisories and adjustments are in place effective immediately.
· Trailers in the winter parking area have until May 27th (Memorial Day) this year (2023 only) to be removed. If moving your trailer before this date, please check with the Caretaker, Doug Madsen, before attempting to move trailers to your lot to make sure it’s doable. Roads to cabins throughout Uintalands remain closed to wheeled vehicles until further notice.
· Doug Madsen’s phone number is 801-725-4397. It’s not recommended you leave a voice mail or text message. Best to call until you do reach him. Please call during working hours.
· Questions? Call or message any board member.
Apr 1, 2024
Dan Struhs
Several lot owners have not yet paid dues. Dues notices were emailed to almost all owners and a few were USPS mailed on the first few days of January. If you have not yet paid your dues, please do so ASAP as late fees are now set to begin. As a courtesy, the Business Manager will mail hard copies to those who have not paid dues.
Please contact Brian Stecklein with any questions at Uintalands@gmail.com or 801-540-1543
Mar 29, 2024
Chris Kinnersley
Winter Parking
As we prepare for Spring and Summer we want to remind owners that all trailers and vehicles must be removed from the Winter Parking areas by May 1.
If there are any exceptions needed to this rule, due to extended weather conditions, we will post here on Uintalands.com and on the Uintalands Facebook page. As a reminder, parking in common areas is prohibited unless you have permission, after May 1. Questions may be addressed to our Uintalands Caretaker or any Board Member. We are excited for another wonderful season in this beautiful place with our incredible community.
As roads are cleared, we will post updates on both Uintalands.com and Facebook. If the roads look hopeless for moving trailers by May 1, we will post an extension, if needed, by April 15.
Feb 6, 2024
Chris Kinnersley
February Board Meeting
February Board Meeting will be February 13, 2024 at 6:30pm. We will be at a new location Trim Art, 1142 Flint Meadow Drive, Kaysville, Utah 84037. Members are welcome to attend.
Jan 4, 2024
Dan Struhs
New Year’s Potluck and Raffle
Thanks to everyone who attended Uintalands annual Potluck and Raffle! It was our biggest ever and the weather was sunny and (sort of) warm. Lots of great dishes were provided by members, making for a great meal!
Special thanks to the many members that provided gifts for the raffle.
Special thanks to the guys and gals who came early to set up and clean tables and stayed late to clean and put everything away again. We could not do it without the help of everyone who generously gives their time to our special events.
Special thanks to Doug Madsen for preparing the Fire Station for our Pot Luck, and our crew who stand out in the cold and cook our delicious meats.
Dec 28, 2023
Dan Struhs
Winter in UintaLands
As we enter the winter season in Uintalands, below are a few reminders.
· Discharge of fireworks is not allowed at any time in Uintalands. This includes New Years!
· As snowmobiling season begins, stay on the Association’s roads, especially during the winter, even if there are tracks cutting across other owners’ properties. Please stay off of property that isn’t yours.
· The speed limit inside Uintalands is 20 MPH, even for Snowmobiles. If you want to hit the throttle a little more, please exit Uintalands at the Deadman gate. There is more snow as you climb higher.
· Many children will be out enjoying Uintalands this weekend. Please be careful and watch for other machines and people on the roads.
· See you at the Potluck!
Dec 25, 2023
Dan Struhs
New Year’s Eve Raffle and Auction
We expect to have some nice items at the New Year’s Eve Raffle and Auction!
This year we be raffling off this brand new Winchester XPR 7mm rifle with scope. Retail at Cabela’s is $750.00. Tickets for this item will be $20 each. Thanks to Mike Solum and Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife for helping with the purchase of this Rifle.

Dec 15, 2023
Doug Madsen
New Year's Eve Potluck & Raffle
Sunday, December 31st , 1:00pm at the Fire Station. Bring your favorite side dish to share. Uintalands will provide Grilled Chicken, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Water, and Hot Chocolate. The bonfire will start at 5:00pm, where Hot Chocolate will also be served.
Come and have a great time ringing in the New Year!
Dec 4, 2023
Dan Struhs