From our President
Happy New Year to all of you in our Uintalands family.
I am Brian Oldham, the newly elected president of our HOA, having served on the board last year as treasurer. I’d like to thank Dan Struhs, our outgoing president, for his tremendous dedication, time, and sound judgement he’s used to help lead our board and organization this past year. A big thank you to Shellie Ashby and Chris Kinnersley who have also rotated off the board.
Our newly elected board includes nine total members, plus we have a business manager Brian Stecklein, and Doug Madsen, our caretaker, who attend all meetings to keep us informed and up-to-date. Collectively, these 11 people handle circumstances, guide us through situations, and proactively anticipate our needs.
Next, if you’ve been up for winter recreation, you may have noticed the new sign near the winter parking lot. The one about owner’s responsibility and liability.
We have now posted signs around the parking lot that state, like most parking lots, that owners are responsible for any theft or damage to their vehicle while parked in our lots. We don’t want anything bad to happen to you or your vehicle(s), so we make a simple ask to park with care and act responsibly in or near the lots. This applies to any guests too. I thank you for the community spirit you show and the cooperation necessary to stay safe.
Annual HOA Dues
Notices for annual dues went out on January 1 to the email we have on file. Property owners are assessed annual dues to cover expenses that arise from the services and maintenance of Uintalands. The dues are made up of three parts:
Regular operating expense of the Association which is $750.00 per year for each active membership and $200.00 per year for each inactive membership.
A Common Ground Property Tax charged by Summit County. This amount per lot is $10.
A Culinary Water System Fee of $150.00 per year, per lot which covers our water system debt. These funds are kept separate from the other expenses and used strictly for water expenses.
Of note, this year there will be 18% APR interest charged for any account not paid in full by January 31. Please be sure to log on to Buildium, from our / Owners tab to see and pay your assessment on time.
Our website’s Weather section is populated with helpful information about past, current, and projected weather. / Weatherpage.
We are fortunate to have the famous Mark Eubank, past longtime weatherman for KSL TV, as a Uintalands owner who populates terrific information on this page. You will see that as of December, we’re 91% of normal snowpack along with many interesting tidbits throughout 2024. Check it out!
New Year’s Event and Bonfire
Thanks to everyone who participated in our annual NYE potluck and bonfire. Special thanks to those who donated items for the raffle. Check out more pictures on our Facebook page.